Sullo spillo. Versi scelti / Na szpilce. Wybór wierszy

Publication info
Publication typeBook
Publication kindBook
Publication titleSullo spillo. Versi scelti / Na szpilce. Wybór wierszy
Number of sheets
Number of pages
Edition markISBN 978-88-514-1002-5
Printed inMilano
Publisher nameAncora
Publication year2012
Series title
Series index
Publication number
Publication languageItalian
Ethnic language of studied culture
Report year2012

Authors list
 1. Jan Twardowski, External unit [Co-author]
 2. Stefano Redaelli, Instytut Badań Interdyscyplinarnych "Artes Liberales" [Selection creator]
 3. Aleksandra Iwanowska, External unit [Selection creator]
 4. Stefano Redaelli, Instytut Badań Interdyscyplinarnych "Artes Liberales" [Translator]