The benefits of data fusion from PCL and PET passive sensors

Publication info
Publication typePublication in a book
Publication kindConference article
Publication titleThe benefits of data fusion from PCL and PET passive sensors
Book titleProceedings of SET-187 Research Specialist Meeting, Passive Radar, Challenges concerning Theory and Practice in Military Applications
From page1
To page13
Number of sheets
Number of pages
Edition mark
Printed inWarszawa
Publisher name
Publication year2013
Series title
Series index
Publication numberSTO-MP-SET-187 AC/323(SET-187)/TP/513
Publication languageEnglish
Ethnic language of studied culture
Report year2013

Authors list
 1. T. Brenner, External unit [Co-author]
 2. Paweł Kasprzak, Katedra Metod Matematycznych Fizyki [Co-author]
 3. K. Kulpa, External unit [Co-author]
 4. L. Lamentowski, External unit [Co-author]
 5. M. Malanowski, External unit [Co-author]