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Author:Magorzata Wierzbowska


Publication in a journal

1. Effect of C-face 4H-SiC(0001) deposition on thermopower of single and multilayer graphene in AA, AB and ABC stacking  [ LINK ]
MATERIALS Vol. 1 yr. 2014, pp. 035002 / 1-11 (Article)
Małgorzata Wierzbowska, Adam Dominiak, Giovanni Pizzi
2. Hole sp3-character and delocalization in (Ga,Mn)As revised with pSIC and MLWF approaches - newly found spin-unpolarized gap states of s-type below 1% of Mn  [ LINK ]
CHEMICAL PHYSICS Vol. 430 yr. 2014, pp. 7-12 (Article)
Karolina Milowska, Małgorzata Wierzbowska
3. Spin-dependent Seebeck effect and huge growth of thermoelectric parameters at band edges in H- and F-doped graphene, free-standing and deposited on 4H-SiC(0001) C-face  [ LINK ]
CARBON Vol. 80 yr. 2014, pp. 255-267 (Article)
Małgorzata Wierzbowska, Adam Dominiak
4. Contrasting Elastic Properties of Heavily B- and N-doped Graphene with Random Impurity Distributions Including Aggregates  [ LINK ]
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C Vol. 117 Nr 39 yr. 2013, pp. DOI: 10.1021/jp403552k / 20229-20235 (Article)
Karolina Milowska, Magdalena Woińska, Małgorzata Wierzbowska
5. CVD formation of graphene on SiC surface in argon atmosphere  [ LINK ]
PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS Vol. 15 yr. 2013, pp. DOI: 10.1039/c3cp44378g / 8805-8810 (Article)
Małgorzata Wierzbowska, Adam Dominiak, Kamil Tokar
6. Exchange interactions and T_c in rhenium-doped silicon: DFT, DFT+U and Monte Carlo calculations  [ LINK ]
JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER Vol. 24 yr. 2012, pp. 126002 / 1-7 (Article)
Małgorzata Wierzbowska
7. Poisoning of magnetism in silicon doped with Re, caused by a charge transfer from interstitials to substitutionals, by means of the self-interaction corrected density-functional approach  [ LINK ]
JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS Vol. 112 yr. 2012, pp. 013919 / 1-6 (Article)
Małgorzata Wierzbowska
8. Forces and atomic relaxation in density functional theory with the pseudopotential self-interaction correction  [ LINK ]
PHYSICAL REVIEW B Vol. 84 yr. 2011, pp. 245129 / 1-9 (Article)
Małgorzata Wierzbowska, Jacek Majewski