Legionary Fortress. Military hospital, Early Bath, Barracks of the 1st cohort.

Publication info
Publication typePublication in a book
Publication kindArticle
Publication titleLegionary Fortress. Military hospital, Early Bath, Barracks of the 1st cohort.
Book titleNovae. An Archaeological Guide.
From page59
To page73
Number of sheets
Number of pages
Edition mark
Printed inWarszawa
Publisher name
Publication year2012
Series title
Series index
Publication number
Publication languageEnglish
Ethnic language of studied culture
Report year2012

Authors list
 1. Martin Lemke, Ośrodek Badań nad Antykiem Europy Południowo-Wschodniej(OBA) [Original author]
 2. Tadeusz Sarnowski, Zakład Archeologii Prowincji Rzymskich [Editor]