Bone and shell objects / Objets en os et en coquillage

Publication info
Publication typePublication in a book
Publication kindEssay or a book chapter
Publication titleBone and shell objects / Objets en os et en coquillage
Book titleProtoneolithic and Early Pre-Pottery Neolithic Settlement in Northern Syria Preliminary results of Syrian–Polish archaeological excavations 1997–2007/ Un Village Protonéolithique et Précéramique en Syrie Du Nord Résultats des fouilles syrienne
From page100
To page106
Number of sheets
Number of pages
Edition mark
Printed inWarszawa
Publisher namePolish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, University of Warsaw
Publication year2012
Series title
Series index2
Publication number
Publication languageEnglish
Ethnic language of studied culture
Report year2012

Authors list
 1. Ryszard Mazurowski, Zak³ad Archeologii Pradziejowej [Co-author]
 2. Bart³omiej Paprocki, External unit [Co-author]