Conflicts. Tensions. Aggression. Some ethical issues on interpreting during the asylum hearings at the Office of Foreigner in Warsaw

Publication info
Publication typePublication in a book
Publication kindEssay or a book chapter
Publication titleConflicts. Tensions. Aggression. Some ethical issues on interpreting during the asylum hearings at the Office of Foreigner in Warsaw
Book title(Re)considerando ética e ideología en situaciones de conflicto. (Re)visiting ethics and ideology in situation of conflict
From page85
To page93
Number of sheets
Number of pages
Edition mark
Printed inAlcalá de Henares
Publisher nameServicios de Publicaciones Universidad de Alcalá,85-93.
Publication year2014
Series title
Series index
Publication number
Publication languageEnglish
Ethnic language of studied culture
Report year2014

Authors list
 1. Ma³gorzata Tryuk, Zak³ad Translatoryki [Original author]